Our Pricing

China Outsourcer is synonymous with first-class service and our reputation is second to none. We strive to exceed our customers expectations at all times, and that includes our flexible and transparent pricing structure. Every customer is different and we are therefore always willing to discuss your requirements and find a suitable solution at the right price for you. 


However, here is a guide to our pricing structures:


Supplier Management


Every customer we support is unique and has different requirements and priorities. We are therefore more than happy to negotiate a flat monthly fee based on your individual requirements. Please get in touch and let us know about your situation and we will develop a plan and cost structure that is right for you. 



Tooling Protection

1)  Storage:  Based on the days and space needed.

2)  Handling: Set fee based on size and weight of tooling applied each time the tools enter or leave the facility.

3)  Account Management: English speaking staff will be made available to provide periodic updates to client. Invoiced in the form of a small monthly retainer reflecting the expected level of activity.

4)  Tool and Die Watchmen:  Calculated by the “man day”.  One man day is a standard work day of 8 hours and is inclusive of time traveling to site, time on site and daily meals.   Budget for transportation and accommodations will be pre-approved by the client and depends on destination and desired time on site.  For round-the-clock projects, multiple watchmen are assigned.

5)  Project Expenses:  Trucking, Tagging, Maintenance, Repair, Insurance and other project expenses are invoiced at cost directly from the service provider, based on pre-approved budget. No mark ups added. Client is welcome to have us coordinate the use of client’s existing vendors or if the client doesn’t have sources in advance, our approved vendor list can be leveraged for service providers of trucking and tooling maintenance for example.


a)     Specialists can be introduced in the event the client wishes to have a reliable 3rd party inspect production pieces or conduct tool trails after maintenance or repair.

b)      English-speaking China-based lawyers can be engaged to review tooling terms and contracts and also help buyers take action in cases where the factory has violated the terms of the agreement.

c)      Sourcing Feasibility Study, Vendor Coordination and Engineering Expertise can be engaged to help find and manage tool and die makers in situations where the client has not yet opened tooling or desires to make new tooling.



Sourcing Feasibility 


Existing customers please follow the above link and enter your password to find details regarding our Sourcing Feasibility Study pricing plans.


We're always happy to discuss and negotiate depending on our customers needs and will be both flexible and understanding regarding any requests. Please feel free to contact us directly or use our contact form.