Our services - dependable and quick

At China Outsourcer we've built our reputation on faultless customer satisfaction. We believe that this is the only way to ensure both first-class service and speedy, punctual delivery of top-quality goods & services to our customers.


Services at a glance


We at China Outsourcer offer a new and unique concept which provides our clients the most efficient and cost effective solution for ensuring critical orders placed with Chinese suppliers are met in full and on time...everytime! 

Most buyers of customized products are wise enough to contractually own their tools and dies. But even if you own the tooling how do you protect your interests when the tooling is on the other side of the world in the possession of a Chinese supplier?


Proper supplier research exposes true pricing points, identifies qualified partners and results in significant savings for the client when sourcing from China.


We're always happy to provide any additional information about our services. Please feel free to contact us directly or use our contact form provided.


Picture gallery: take a look at some of our services